⚠️ Action Alerts ⚠️Click on the links below to take action on bills. Want to know more about a bill and why we support it? Review our 2025 Legislative Issues page. |
Making Democracy Work |
HB 1116 Recognizing election day as a holiday
Makes the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November a “recognized legislative holiday” (Election Day) and directs the Secretary of State to create materials that can be used by state and local governmental entities, schools, etc. to offer educational programming on democracy and voting. Empowering voters and civic education are key missions of the LWV. This bill passed out of the House State Gov’t & Tribal Relations unanimously on Jan. 17. Public hearing scheduled for 4:00 pm on Jan. 27 before the House Appropriations Committee.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1116 HERE by January 27 at 3:00 pm
HB 1116 Recognizing election day as a holiday and promoting civic education.
Makes the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November a “recognized legislative holiday” (Election Day) and directs the Secretary of State to create materials that can be used by state and local governmental entities, schools, etc. to offer educational programming on democracy and voting. This bill passed the House State Gov’t & Tribal Relations unanimously. Public hearing scheduled for 4 pm on January 27 before the House Appropriations Committee.
⚠️Sign in PRO on HB 1116 HERE by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, January 27.
HB 1223 Limiting frivolous claims for voter registration challenges.
Limits frivolous attempts to remove registered voters from the voter rolls by strengthening the kind of information challengers must provide to prove that the challenged voter is deceased or otherwise no longer eligible to vote in the jurisdiction in which they are registered. The League believes every citizen’s legally eligible to vote in the jurisdiction where they live should remain on the voter rolls. Public hearing scheduled for 1:30 pm January 28 before the House State Government and Tribal Relations Committee.
⚠️Sign in PRO on HB 1223 HERE by 12:30 pm on Wednesday January 28.
HB 1146 Voting Access in Jails and State Hospitals.
This bill improves access and removes barriers to voting in jails and state hospitals. The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that voting is a fundamental citizen right that must be guaranteed. The bill is scheduled for executive session on January 31 at 8:00 am.
⚠️Comment in SUPPORT of HB 1146 HERE ask your reps to ask the committee for a ‘Do pass’.
HB 1196 Full Voting Rights Restoration.
This bill states that a person's voting rights are revoked only when convicted of a state crime punishable by death. Governor Inslee removed the death penalty from state law in 2023. The LWV has a long history of advocacy for voting rights in underrepresented communities. This bill has not yet been scheduled for public hearing.
⚠️Comment in SUPPORT of HB 1196 HERE ask your reps to ask the committee for a hearing.
PRIORITY ALERT: SB 5400 Supporting Local News Journalism
This bill to support local news journalism would go a long way in easing the crisis that has reduced and, in many cases, eliminated local news coverage for millions of Washingtonians. It would establish the Washington Local News Journalism Corps Program in the Department of Commerce to distribute grants to support the employment of journalists to cover civic affairs in underserved communities.
Funding would come from an existing workforce education investment surcharge imposed on select advanced computing businesses, namely Big Tech. The bill calls for $20 million of the funds deposited in the Workforce Education Investment Account to be used to support the Journalism Corps Program each fiscal year.
Care would be taken to ensure grants would go to news organizations, including print and online newspapers, radio and television, that meet specific criteria. Those standards include regularly updated coverage of local civic affairs, systems for verifying facts and correcting and reporting errors, and the employment of professional staff.
The LWVWA supports this bill because it recognizes that an informed electorate is engaged and enables our democracy to work. The bill is being heard in the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee on Tuesday, Jan. 28 at 10:30 am.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on SB 5400 HERE by Tuesday, January 28 at 9:30 am.
SB 5458/HB 1060 Concerning newspapers and eligible digital content.
This bill requires newspaper printers and publishers who were exempted from Business & Occupation taxes for 10 years by way of the passage of SB 5199 in 2023 to submit a complete annual tax performance report. In the House, the bill has been sent to the Committee on Finance for an executive session at 1:30 pm, Thursday, Jan. 30. The Senate version of the bill has been sent to Way and Means.
⚠️ Communicate your SUPPORT for SB 5458 to your legislator HERE by 12:30 pm on Thursday, January 30
⚠️ Communicate your SUPPORT for HB 1060 to your legislator HERE by 12:30 pm on Thursday, January 30
HB 1170 Informing users when content is developed or modified by artificial intelligence.
The rapid and extensive development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) prompts the need for appropriate tools and disclosures to help consumers of such content decipher what is true and what is not true. HB 1170 would require content producers to provide AI detection tools at no cost to consumers. It also would require producers to clearly identify and disclose content that has been artificially produced. The bill has been scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans at 10:30 am. on Tuesday, Jan. 28.
⚠️ Communicate your SUPPORT for HB 1170 to your legislator HERE by 9:30 am on Tuesday, January 28
No action alerts this week.
HB 1328/SB 5359 Accelerating the development of clean energy and transmission.
These bills, requested by the Department of Commerce , are designed to accelerate the pace of adequate, reliable, and affordable clean energy development and the needed transmission infrastructure in the state. The Department of Commerce will create an Office of Clean Energy Development as a source of information and coordination among utilities, tribes, communities, and permitting authorities; collaboration with other states; procedures to ensure community benefits and workforce training. These objectives align with our support for legislation in past sessions.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1328 HERE by Monday, January 27 at 12:30 pm
⚠️ Sign in PRO on SB 5359 HERE by Friday, January 31 at 9:30 am
HB 1514 Encouraging the deployment of low carbon thermal energy networks.
Thermal energy networks tie together sources of zero carbon energy such ground source, geothermal, and waste heat to enable and optimize efficient reuse. Heat pumps efficiently increase the temperature of this free energy making it useful for valuable purposes. Unneeded or unwanted heat in one building is transported to another building where it’s needed. While the energy is free, transporting it requires investment in pipes, heat pumps, and other infrastructure. Then the continuing cost is only maintenance, not fuel. These principles also apply to sources of “cold” for cooling buildings in the network. This legislation provides some regulation relief for certain operations to make available the waste heat for this system application.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1514 HERE by Monday, January 27 at 12:30 pm.
HB 1462 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with hydrofluorocarbons.
Hydrofluorocarbons are potent greenhouse gases with global warming potentials that are hundreds to thousands of times greater than carbon dioxide. The widespread use of hydrofluorocarbons in refrigeration, air conditioning, and heat pumps makes them significant contributors to climate change. Although usually short-lived, when vented into the atmosphere those gases create an acute warming influence at a critical time in our mitigation efforts. Better working fluid alternatives are available and in use as covered in the LWVWA Action Workshop last December. Improvements in the regulations such as this will be required as new technologies develop. We have advocated for similar policies in past legislative sessions.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1462 HERE by Thursday, January 30 at 7:00 am.
SB 5284 The Recycling Reform Act (Improving Washington’s solid waste management outcomes. Formerly, the Re-WRAP Act): Championed by Senator Liz Lovelett and Representative Liz Berry, this bill would establish a product stewardship program for packaging and printed paper, including recycling and reuse targets and plastic source reduction. Hearing in Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee, Wednesday, 1/28/25 at 1:30 pm
⚠️ Please sign in PRO on SB 5284 HERE by 1/28/25 before 12:30 pm
HB 1497 Compost, organics management (Improving outcomes associated with waste material management systems): Championed by Representative Beth Doglio, this bill would address composting and other management of organic (yard and food waste) in order to divert the material from the landfill and avoid methane gas generation. Hearing in House Environment & Energy Committee, Tuesday, 1/28/25 at 4:00 pm
⚠️ Please sign in PRO on HB 1497 HERE by 1/28/25 before 3:00 pm
HB 1607/SB 5502 Beverage deposit aka Bottle Bill (Concerning recycling and waste reduction): Championed by Senator Robinson and Representative Stonier, this bill would establish a system that facilitates the return of beverage containers, with a 10 cent refund. STATUS: HOUSE: Introduced January 24, 2025. Hearing in Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 8:00 am
⚠️ Please sign in PRO on SB 5502 HERE on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, before 7 am
HB 1420 EPR for textiles (Establishing producer responsibility for textiles): Championed by Rep. Reeves, this bill would set up an extended producer responsibility program for apparel and textiles that emphasizes repair and reuse. It would also minimizes generation of hazardous waste (restrict toxic PFAS chemicals in textile products), generation of greenhouse gases, environmental impacts, environmental justice impacts, and public health impacts. This bill is modeled after the bill that passed recently in California. Hearing in House Environment & Energy Committee, Thursday, 1/30/25 at 8:00 am
⚠️ Please sign in PRO on HB 1420 HERE by 1/30/25 before 7:00 am
HB 1483/SB 5423 Right to Repair (Supporting the servicing and right to repair of certain products with digital electronics in a secure and reliable manner): Championed by Representative Gregerson and Senator Derek Stanford. This bill requires digital electronic product manufacturers, such as Apple and Microsoft, to make repair information, parts and tools available to independent repair businesses and owners. There’s a huge amount of e-waste! For example, on average, Washington disposes of 8,700 phones every day. This bill would make it possible for small businesses to repair these items. Extending the life of computers, tablets and cellphones, and appliances reduces the burden on manufacturing new products – therefore also decreasing greenhouse gas. This bill will lower costs for consumers, get used digital electronics into the hands of people who need them, and help overcome digital inequities in Washington. This way, people will keep using their items instead of tossing them! STATUS: SENATE: First reading, referred to Environment, Energy & Technology - January 22, 2025. Hearing in the House Committee on Technology, Economic Development, & Veterans on Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10:30 am
⚠️ Please sign in PRO on HB 1483 HERE by 1/31/25 before 9:30 am
HB 1432 Improving access to appropriate mental health and substance abuse disorder services. As the title states, the purpose of the bill is to improve access to appropriate mental health and substance use disorder treatment by updating Washington's mental health parity law and ensuring coverage of medically necessary care. It requires that patients have access to six sessions of outpatient mental health or substance abuse treatment without prior authorization. There is a public hearing scheduled in the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness on Wednesday, January 29at 1:30 PM
⚠️ Please sign in PRO on HB 1432 HERE by 12:30 PM on Wednesday, January 29
HB 1314 Early learning facilities grant and loan program. Companion to SB 5297.
Modifies the Early Learning Facilities (ELF) program to include emergency grants, change match requirements, include tribal compact schools among eligible organizations, and provide that loans and grants may be used to support conversion of ECEAP slots to full or extended day. Public Hearing in House Capital Budget Jan 30 at 1:30 pm.
⚠️Sign in PRO on HB 1314 HERE by Thursday, January 30 at 12:30 pm.
SB 5124 Relating to increasing patient access to timely and 1) medically necessary post-acute care by establishing network adequacy; 2) standards for skilled nursing facilities and rehabilitation hospitals; and 3) within managed care contracts for medical assistance programs.
This bill would require the Health Care Authority to work with stakeholders to establish and adopt network adequacy standards for post-acute care services by no later than June 30, 2026. These standards must include skilled nursing facilities and inpatient rehabilitation facilities that keep care as local as possible and set time standards by which care must be provided with the intention of assuring timely access to needed health services. This bill is scheduled for public hearing at 10:30 am in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee on Tuesday, January 28.
⚠️ Sign in PRO for SB 5124 HERE before 9:30 am on Tuesday, January 28.
SB 5344 Establishing the essential worker health care program.
This bill would address a workforce crisis in the state’s nursing homes, where many essential hands-on personal care workers live at or near poverty levels, by offering increased funding to nursing home operators who commit to offering high quality and affordable health care to their employees, and those who offer health care in the most cost-effective way possible, through large-scale, multiemployer plans. It also requires that the funds appropriated for this purpose are spent as intended and supplement rather than supplant existing health care funding for employee health care coverage. The office of Insurance Commissioner will annually propose a health care benefit arrangement. This bill will be heard in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee on Tuesday, January 28.
⚠️ Sign in PRO for SB 5344 HERE before 9:30 am on Tuesday, January 28.
SJM 8004 Memorial to the US Congress and President Concerning Universal Health Care.
This Memorial describes a national universal health care program as the most efficient and cost-effective means of providing access to health care for everyone and how it could eliminate the economic, physical and mental health pain and suffering so many Americans are experiencing due to lack of timely access to health care and/or debt incurred. It calls for authority for the State of Washington, in the absence of a federal program, to create its own universal health care program. This bill will be heard in the Senate Health & long-Term Care Committee at 8:00 am on Thursday, January 30.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on SJM 8004 HERE before 7:00 am on Thursday, January 30.
SB 5083 Ensuring access to primary care, behavioral health, and affordable hospital services.
This bill would require any hospital that is paid to provide services pursuant to the Health Care Authority must serve public employees covered by state plans and sets conditions for reimbursement rates beginning in 2027 and requires the Health Care Authority and Office of Insurance Commissioner to analyze the impacts of this bill on network access, 20 enrollee premiums, and state expenditures for medical coverage 21 offered to public employees. This bill is scheduled for public hearing at 8:00 am on Friday, January 31 in the Senate Health & Long-Term Care Committee.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on SB 5083 HERE before 7:00 am on Friday, January 31.
HB 1177 Concerning the child welfare housing assistance program. This bill would require the Department of Children, Youth, and Families to increase the number of households served by the child welfare housing assistance program by at least 200 above those served during fiscal year 2025, with a priority on serving families on any wait lists. The program is intended to reduce the need for foster care placement and shorten the time that children remain in out-of-home care. The bill has a public hearing in the House Early Learning & Human Services Committee at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 28.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1177 HERE before 12:30 pm on Tuesday, January 28.
HB 1443 Concerning mobile dwellings. Requires a city or county fully planning under the Growth Management Act to allow one home on wheels per residential lot if certain requirements are met. This will facilitate additional housing and support individuals who need to live in mobile homes. A public hearing on the bill will be held at 1:30 pm on Monday, January 27 in the House Housing Committee.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1443 HERE before 12:30 pm on Monday, January 27.
HB 1491 Promoting transit-oriented housing development.
In order to maximize the return on investment in intermodal transportation, this bill would support transit-oriented development that reflects the state’s commitment to affordable housing and vibrant, walkable, accessible urban environments that improve health, expand multimodal transportation options, and include varied community facilities, parks, and green spaces that are open to people of all income levels. It provides guidelines and for assistance to cities in achieving this type of development. The bill is scheduled for public hearing at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, January 28 in the House Housing Committee.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1491 HERE before 3:00 pm on Tuesday, January 28.
HB 1429 Creating a housing assistance program for youth enrolled in extended foster care. This companion bill to SB 5082 would create an extended foster care housing program to provide rental assistance and associated housing fees for youth who are receiving extended foster care and experiencing homelessness or at imminent risk of experiencing homelessness. It would provide rental assistance for up to 36 months based on the fair market rent in an eligible youth's location and require the Department of Children, Youth, and Families to conduct a transition planning process with youth in extended foster care at least three months before their twenty-first birthday. HB 1429 is scheduled for public hearing in the House Early Learning & Human Services Committee at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, January 28.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1429 HERE before 12:30 pm on Tuesday, January 28.
HB 1177 Relating to the child welfare housing assistance program.
Increases the number of households served through the child welfare housing assistance program by at least 200 families and allows DCYF to provide housing assistance after the department is no longer providing child welfare or child protective services to the family. Public Hearing scheduled in House Early Learning & Human Services, Jan 28 at 1:30 pm.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1177 HERE by Tuesday, Jan 28 at 12:30 pm.
HB 1429 Creating a housing assistance program for youth enrolled in extended foster care. Companion to SB 5082 . The program would provide rental assistance and associated housing fees to prevent and alleviate homelessness among youth enrolled in extended foster care. Scheduled for Public Hearing in House Early Learning & Human Services, Jan 28 at 1:30 pm.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1429 HERE by Tuesday, Jan 28 at 12:30 pm.
SB 5231/HB 1301 Connecting Families Act. This bill requires the Department of Corrections to provide free phone calls for incarcerated people, making it easier for them to stay in touch with friends and family and remain connected to the community.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on SB 5231 HERE by 12:30 pm on Monday, Jan. 27
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1301 HERE by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 28
HB 1189 Enabling Parents to Volunteer in Schools After a Criminal Conviction. This bill allows parents with criminal convictions to volunteer at their children’s schools if certain rehabilitation-related requirements are met.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1189 HERE by 12:30 pm on Monday, Jan. 27
SB 5342Providing Legislator Access to DOC. This bill ensures that legislators will not be denied access to visit Department of Corrections facilities.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on SB 5342 HERE by 12:30 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 28
HB 1239 Reentry Readiness. This bill restores 1/3 time off of a sentence for good behavior and expands graduated reentry to 18 months for those serving sentences of 15 years or more.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1239 HERE by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 28
HB 1185Correctional Industries Advisory Committee. This bill ensures that people with lived experience will have representation on the committee that makes recommendations regarding prison work programs.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1185 HERE by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 28
HB 1274 Eliminating Juvenile Offenses from Sentencing Range Calculations. This bill retroactively eliminates the requirement that juvenile adjudications be considered to lengthen adult sentences.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1274 HERE by 3:00 pm on Tuesday, Jan. 28
HB 1166 PEERS Act. The Providing Effective Education for Reentry Success Act (PEERS) allows people who are incarcerated to have access to online and correspondence education.
⚠️ Sign in PRO on HB 1166 HERE by 12:30 pm on Wednesday, Jan. 29